Ashton-under-Lyne, Manchester

Cavendish Wharf

  • Fifty-one new build dwellings delivered
  • No planning objections

Jigsaw Homes are one of the largest providers of affordable housing and community services in northern England. Their property at Cavendish Mill, Ashton-under-Lyne, comprised a large Grade II* listed mill building which joined a disused builders merchant yard to the west. 

Understanding that Jigsaw had a requirement for new build properties in the area, our team brought forward a proposal that would allow them to acquire the neighbouring builders merchant site. We managed a comprehensive development plan, alongside contractors Casey,  providing new build houses and apartments which had to be designed sensitively due to the proximity of the listed mill.

In Autumn 2022, the completed site will handover to Jigsaw, delivering fifty-one new dwellings.